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QSL Information PA1IVO

QSL card pa1ivo I do not actively send QSO cards, but all received QSL cards will be answered. I do both old-fashioned paper QSL cards, and electronic eQSL cards (see my eQSL account). Paper QSL via the Dutch QSL bureau, or direct if you prefer (mail me for my address).

I can exchange received and sent paper QSL cards with the QSL manager at the monthly meetings of our local amateur radio club, so the fastest response can be 1 month between receiving a card and sending one back. But due to my irregular visits, it will probably take a few months.

My home QTH is in CQ Zone 14 and ITU zone 27. The Maidenhead QTH locator is JO22JL. The Dutch QSL region number is 46.

I ordered my paper QSL cards at UX5UO Print, which worked perfectly fine for me.

My paper QSL card shows some typical scenery of the area where I live. The small windmill on the main picture of my QSL card is located near the 'Zaanse Schans' open air museum in Zaandam. The small picture at the left side of the QSL card shows some colored large buildings where my house is behind, and which is located in 'Saendelft' area of Assendelft. The picture at the right side of the card shows the old water tower of Assendelft. The picture in the middle shows another windmill at the 'Zaanse Schans', and is located on the bank (actually a dyke) of the river 'De Zaan'.

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